As I had promised, the two carriage lanterns are almost ready, left to do the electrical installation and painting, as you can see the material used is the acrylic glass sheet metal for the body of the lamp and various tube thicknesses for arms chimney and the bottom of the lamp, I have no great way to explain the construction of the pieces, but as always tell if a picture is worth a thousand words, based on this saying here are some photos so they can better understand the construction the lamps, I hope you enjoy and appreciate.
These are the materials from which they are built the lamps |
é feito um molde em madeira para formatar o corpo do candeeiro.
cortando o vidro acrílico para a forma desejada neste caso 20x20 mm |
before starting a mold is made on cardboard to the forms of the lamp body
as I do not have a bushing 4 Tips on around I improvised this jig with very good results |
the front flap of the lamp is turned to the measures required in this case 25 mm outside diameter and 18 mm inside |
The lamp consists of 11 pieces in total which are then welded. and painted |
as you can see the lamps are already almost finished, lacking the electrical connection and the final painting.
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