This carriage made very long and continuous journeys along roads with many holes, curves and inclinations, and the enormous weight it carried, so the wheels had to be strong, strong and compact, as you can see the rays are staggered to 3 and 7, which gives it great strength to torsion and traction shocks, the pins are also screwed to the wheel rims, thus reinforcing the whole set, in which each rear wheel weighed about 70 kg. particular attention was paid to these components of the malaposta carriages.
Some more photos from this compilation.
Given that this will be my last article published in this year 2017, I would like to wish all readers sincere wishes for a prosperous and healthy New Year. Jose. C. Brito.
The hoops are silver-plated for strength
The spokes are staggered at 3 and 7 degrees, and the feloes are bolted to the rim of the wheel to give greater strength and solidity to the entire wheel assembly.
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