sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2023


Hello to all my friends I wish you all a happy New Year 2024. As I mentioned previously about this Wagonette project that I found by chance on the internet and which is part of my imagination, the entire scenario surrounding the Wagonette is very dear to me, very close by I was born and raised, so I couldn't remain indifferent to this construction. As always I like to start by building the wheels, here I will show you once again how I do this work. I hope you continue to follow this very challenging project as I only have this photo to build it. A good New Year to all of you.

quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2023


With the end of the exhibition, at the Diocesan Museum of Osnabruck, to commemorate the peace treaty in Westphalia in the year 1643 to 1648, I had the pleasure of being invited to participate with some of my works, the exhibition ended last week. Here I show some photos of my miniatures exhibited in that prestigious museum, and I am very grateful for the invitation to the curator, Dr. Dorner Friederike, Andrea.

sexta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2023


Hello to all friends. After this pause following the wine barrel transport wagon, I recently found by accident on the internet this beautiful photo of a Breque, I had never seen this photo before, but as it is part of my imagination, the whole scenario that surrounds it the image is familiar to me, as it is close to the village where I was born, I have passed this road dozens of times, I have climbed those rocks in the background several times, and my passion for building these miniature hippomobile vehicles. So this will be my next project, once again I have no construction plans and I couldn't find a Breque like this one, I think it will be of French origin, but I'm not sure, if anyone of you has any similar photos I would ask for your collaboration, thank you all.