terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016

It is with great satisfaction that come to give notice to all my dear friends who followed the construction of the Malaposta carriage, on my blog, I was invited to be present with my coaches in what is the largest craft fair in the Iberian peninsula, FAIR LISBON INTERNATIONAL cRAFTS, from next June 25 to July 3 waiting there for your visit, where they will have the opportunity to see some of my live work included the carriage of Malaposta will be the exhibition of the star will be there to provide information and clarification about these my work, my thank you in advance for your presence. José Brito.
FIA Lisboa recebe Exposição inédita de coches em miniatura
Conheça o Trabalho do modelista José Cardoso Brito that dedica parte da SUA vida a reproduzir modelos de coches em miniatura. São varias como réplicas de Veículos Antigos de Tracção Animal-Coches that podera conhecer de 25 de Junho a 03 de Julho no Pavilhão 1 da FIA Lisboa.

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016

Final boot carriage construction put, I hope with this compilation have contributed to the knowledge and dissemination of the history of transportation of 1859 post office to 1864, carriage this that was the connection between Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto, after that date, to be a very heavy, slow and not very maneuverable vehicle, and steep roads were replaced by English origin carriages, lighter, light and maneuverable, also these with the steam train's appearance eventually disappear, this is the result of progress of civilization that is not compatible with nostalgia.
I also want to thank all followers of the blog for the interest of this building which I hope has helped to get a clearer idea as these works are made and them used tool, not being this model ideal for a beginner, the complexity of construction and lack of plans promise soon return with an easier construction and affordable for those who want to try their skills in this kind of hobby.
I would also say that this carriage bag set of French origin is museum property of the communications foundation in Lisbon, but now it is on display at Vila Viçosa Palace, part of the exhibition of King John IV to D. Manuel II comunications in the times of the Duques de Bragança 1640- 1910.

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2016

As you can see, the carriage set suitcase is ready and prepared to take the last coat of paint, which will cover the entire surface of black color, as I have no greenhouse painting'm waiting for days of heat and no moisture, for this work ,.
But I'm moving in the construction of another part of the carriage, which is not very common it be in sight in exhibitions, but it is a piece of paramount importance in these animal-drawn vehicles, boom, it is the link between the carriage and the teams of horses, has the task of pulling the carriage and also braking on downhill stretches, and also keep the teams lined horses in the routes when this bar was breaking was a very dangerous disaster because the vehicles were unguided and without control, which It gave rise when this happened to many fatalities, as published in many chronic related to these vehicles, so I made sure to build this piece so important in these vehicles. some photos to assess this construction.